Hansaplast was launching a new line of blister plaster, specifically designed for pumps and stiletto shoes.
To communicate the product in an unconventional way, we thought of creating an experiential torture and stress test on consumers by organizing the first Stiletto Race in Italy: The Glamarathon.
To increase the level of competition, we played on two main assets: The participation to the World Guinness Record for the largest Stiletto Race and a very special and aspirational reward: The fastest runner will be the winner of a pair of Manolo Blahnik Stilettos.
279 runners, 105 sprinters, 7,5cm of maximum height for heels, 6 pair of Manolo Blahnik Stilettos, 80 metres of track, these where the ingredients of Glamarathon with the challenge to beat the previous record and enter the Guinness World Records. Done.
The After Movie